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Java Swing (GUI) Programming: From Beginner to Expert
Desktop Applications
Introduction: About the Course, Plus Some Useful Resources (6:41)
Creating a Basic Swing Application (7:04)
Adding Components: Layouts, Buttons and Text Areas (8:09)
Responding to Button Clicks (4:17)
Custom Components (7:30)
Simple Toolbars (6:25)
Communication Between Components (10:36)
Listeners and Events: Using Interfaces to Cleanly Separate Components (11:38)
Setting Component Sizes (5:10)
Setting Borders (3:18)
Text Fields and Labels (4:04)
Laying Out Controls with GridBagLayout (16:09)
Custom Events and Form Submission (20:46)
List Boxes (10:04)
Working With List Box Data (9:43)
Combo Boxes (12:37)
Checkboxes (9:44)
Radio Buttons (9:47)
Menus (9:57)
Using Checkboxes in Menus (6:24)
Mnemonics and Accelerators (10:15)
Message Boxes (11:29)
Open/Save File Dialogs (6:31)
Filtering File Choosers (7:57)
Model-View-Controller: Creating a Data Model (13:53)
Model-View-Controller: Creating a Controller (15:07)
Creating Tables (21:13)
Serialization: Saving Objects to Files (16:32)
Popup Menus (7:28)
Selecting Rows in Tables (5:10)
Deleting Rows in Tables (11:15)
Dialogs (5:38)
Spinners: Specialised Controls for Entering Numbers (12:02)
Password Fields (7:15)
Saving Program Data: Preferences (12:58)
Arranging and Designing Dialogs and Forms (20:58)
JDBC: Connecting to a SQL Database (11:15)
JDBC: Retrieving Values from Databases (12:34)
JDBC: Saving to a Database (13:02)
JDBC: Updating Databases (6:11)
JDBC: Loading Data from Databases (15:25)
Wiring in the Database Code: Bringing It All Together (17:24)
Intercepting the Window Closing Event (9:00)
Using Images and Icons (9:28)
Draggable Toolbars: Using the JToolbar class (4:54)
Split Panes: Creating Resizeable Separate Areas (7:36)
Tabs: Using Tabbed Panes (3:11)
Tree Views Using JTree (9:48)
Tree Selection Events (4:50)
Associating Data With Tree Nodes (8:20)
Tree Node Icons (7:27)
Custom Tree Cell Renderers: Using Checkboxes in Trees (20:48)
Custom Tree Cell Editors: Editing Tree Nodes Using Checkboxes (26:06)
Detecting Tree Node Editor Changes (5:48)
A Simulated Message Server (20:59)
Multithreading in Swing: The SwingWorker class (11:48)
Modal Dialogs (8:06)
Progress Bars (15:29)
Distributing Your Application: Runnable Jars (7:52)
Adding Text to Progress Bars (4:21)
Cancelling SwingWorker Threads (13:33)
Setting the Cursor (2:48)
Multiple Nested Split Panes (9:36)
Responding to Tab Selections (6:15)
Custom List Renderers (13:11)
Responding to List Selections (5:55)
Changing the Font Using Logical Fonts (4:58)
Loading Font Files (8:19)
Configuring the Database Connection (1:35)
Editable Tables (8:22)
Using Checkboxes in Table Cells (6:44)
Custom Table Cell Renderers (10:20)
Using Custom Editors in Table Cells (7:13)
Applets and Animation
Note about Applets (6:49)
Applets: Creating a Simple Swing Program that Runs in a Webpage (4:52)
Drawing Custom Components (9:10)
Drawing Shapes: Exploring the Graphics API (7:54)
Deploying Applets (11:49)
Timers: Using the Swing Timer Class (5:05)
Basic Animation (10:52)
Smoothing Your Animations With Double Buffering (5:59)
Mouse Listeners (5:47)
Hiding the Cursor (3:22)
Key Listeners (6:32)
Detecting Component Resizing (2:33)
Using Visual Designers: The Free Window Builder Pro Plugin (17:16)
CardLayout: Switching Between Completely Different Views (5:53)
Detecting Collisions Between Shapes (5:23)
From Applet to Desktop (10:19)
Setting the Look and Feel (7:37)
Projects -- The Source Code Projects You See in the Tutorials
"Swing Test" Database
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Intercepting the Window Closing Event
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