Learn Android 4.0 Programming in Java
Learn to write real, working Android applications quickly and effectively, from the ground up.
A practical guide to Android development. Learn to create Android programs using Java, and create the app of your dreams!
Your Instructor
I worked as a professional developer for 14 years for several different companies including Proquest, CSC and AT&T before going full-time as a course creator. I currently live in Italy, although as a native Brit you get to enjoy (or put up with!) my British English accent while following your chosen courses.
In my spare time I like to write science fiction, often in cafes, and I'm a fan of old books.
Course Curriculum
Nuts and Bolts: The Basics of Android Programming
Available in
after you enroll
PreviewNote about Android Studio
PreviewNuts and Bolts Introduction (3:41)
PreviewSetting Up Your System (8:48)
PreviewCreating An Emulator (7:56)
PreviewHello World (4:49)
PreviewThe EditText View (11:56)
PreviewButtons And Linear Layouts (8:28)
PreviewResponding To Button Clicks (6:46)
StartDebugging With DDMS And Logcat (6:47)
StartImportant Note
StartSaving Files To Internal Storage (11:25)
StartReading Files From Internal Storage (7:34)
StartString Resources and Localization (6:58)
StartCreating Launcher Icons (9:46)
StartRunning On Your Phone (7:26)
StartSaving Program Data: Preferences (8:59)
StartToasts: Alerting the User (5:12)
StartAdding a New Activity (4:19)
StartDisplaying Images with the ImageView View (7:07)
StartGetting Touch Coordinates (9:56)
StartAlert Dialogs (6:16)
StartThe Event-Listener (aka Observer) Pattern (14:43)
StartCreating a Database (6:47)
StartAdding Data to a Database (11:13)
StartRetrieving Data from Databases (11:16)
StartAsynchronous Tasks: Running Stuff in the Background (10:56)
StartVerifying the Passpoints: Getting Return Values From Asynchronous Tasks (47:36)
StartSupporting Different Screen Resolutions (4:45)
StartIntents and Launching Activities (5:59)
StartNesting ViewGroups (7:08)
StartOption Menus (12:50)
StartPassing Data to Activities (7:37)
StartSub-Activites (8:49)
StartTaking Photos (6:27)
StartSaving and Displaying Photos (18:30)
StartList Views (14:31)
StartDynamically Populating Lists (6:50)
StartFormatting List Items: Custom Adapters (30:54)
StartUsing Icons in Views (17:17)
StartStyles and Themes (15:53)
StartSelectors (9:53)
StartRelative Layouts (12:05)
StartBrowsing the Gallery (7:25)
StartRetrieving an Image from the Gallery (14:47)
StartThe Activity Lifecycle and Saving Data (8:15)
StartPre-Publication Checks (6:03)
StartTaking Screenshots of Your App (0:39)
StartSigning and Exporting Your App (3:58)
StartPublishing Your App (5:58)
More Useful Stuff
Available in
after you enroll
Available in
after you enroll
StartDownloading Text Data from the Internet (10:53)
StartInternet Communication Overview (7:25)
StartA Simple Server (Java Servlet) Program (13:31)
StartSending Small Amounts of Data to a Server (12:34)
StartURL Escaping (11:13)
StartIntroducing JSON with Twitter and The Onion (7:29)
StartDecoding JSON (14:30)
StartEncoding Data as JSON (9:58)
StartResponding to POST Requests in a Servlet (4:30)
StartPosting JSON Data to a Server (13:46)
Frequently Asked Questions
When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound?
After purchase, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy!
If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.